one American's resistance to fear and the abandonment of freedom


Kucinich Wins Virginia Poll

Dennis Kucinich is plenty electable: you just have to show up and vote for him. reports that Kucinich came out on top of the Virginia Dems online straw poll. Results:

Dennis Kucinich 30%
Hillary Rodham Clinton 27%
Barack Obama 14%
John R. Edwards 12%
Bill Richardson 9%
Joe Biden 9%

Now that mighty 30% just need to keep the faith and show up at the polls on Feb. 12 (and work on your neighbors!). Dennis will stick with it; so should we!

Asked about the Democratic Party's poll results, Kucinich volunteer Andrea Miller said what she's been saying for months: "Dennis can win. We just have to vote for him."

There are always possibilities, right, Lowell? Funny he doesn't mention this poll. Could it be because he doesn't like to see his favorite, Clinton, beaten by a man of principle?


Dennis Kucinich: All Smarts, No Smarm

Dennis Kucinich holds forth intelligently on Iraq, sub-prime mortgages, real universal health care, NAFTA and the decline of American manufacturing, his Catholicism, and being a real Democrat. This man has the answers, and he doesn't get them from a huge pool of staffers briefing him on what people want him to say.


Kucinich: The Constitution Is Everything

Good press on Dennis Kucinich and why he is the best Dem in the field for President:

I watched and I saw things that I have to admit made me re-think what it is about this country that could make it great. I don't know if it ever truly was as great as Kucinich seems to think it was. I don't even know if he believes it once was so great, but I do know that he thinks it can be great. Not out of some chauvinistic need to be the best, but out of a strong belief that the constitution is a secular document of the highest order that must be obeyed and fulfilled. He is serious about his oath of office that charges him with the duty to defend and protect the constitution. He does not joke about this or use it as a campaign slogan or as a position to give him traction. In fact, his belief in the constitution as a document that takes us to our highest level is what makes him see how we need to behave as moral and legal people in the world. He does not practice Orwellian doublespeak. By defending the constitution he has put his campaign on the line by going after the impeachment of the vice president for lying to this country in order to take us into a war, among many other impeachable offenses listed in the articles of impeachment.

--Deborah Emin, "Civics Lessons for Dummies Like Me or How I Chased After Candidate Kucinich,", 2007.12.04

If you believe in the Constitution and want a President who does too, then back Dennis.


Kucinich: No Flip-Flopping, No Pretense

...and the only Dem with the guts to stand up to Bush on Iraq and the PATRIOT Act!

See this good press on Dennis Kucinich in the Concord (NH) Monitor:

Kucinich is far behind in the polls, with the state's primary fast approaching. Just like he was in 2003, when ABC's Ted Koppel, moderating a debate, peppered Kucinich over his decision to remain in the race, without much money or big-name endorsements.

He didn't drop out then, and he won't now.

Instead, he's touring New Hampshire, spreading his liberal views, saying the Bush administration lied about the war in Iraq and calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

There's no flip flopping. No pretense about who he is. And no hesitation or fumbling of words when an issue arises. He speaks from the heart, and that makes things easier to articulate.

"Health care is a right, education is a right," Kucinich told the crowd. "It shouldn't be based on the ability to pay. It should be something a democratic society provides for its people."

He's a walking balancing act, one part flower child and one part courageous fighter who will answer any question, anytime, from anyone.

He'd work to dismantle all nuclear weapons worldwide, yet he'll go on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, hosted by conservative fireball Bill O'Reilly. Other democratic candidates wouldn't touch O'Reilly with a 10-foot pole.

"I don't agree with him on many things," Kucinich said. "But if you want to be president of the United States, you have to be able to talk to Bill O'Reilly. You have to be able to submit to the O'Reilly test. If you can't do that, how are you going to meet with these other leaders of the world? There's a lot of people out there that you don't agree with" [Ray Duckler, "Kucinich Not Short on Confidence," Concord Monitor, 2007.11.21].

You don't hear honesty like that from Clinton, Edwards, or any of the other corporate-media-anointed "frontrunners." And check out the photo in the article: he buys from the bulk bins at the grocery store! Dennis is the man!

[Photo credit: Kari Collins, Monitor staff]


No Fooling Dennis!

Think Dennis Kucinich can't win? Listen to this common sense:

Wake up, Dems! Dennis is the man!


Government Priority on Privacy: Definition Control

When citizen rights and government power come into conflict, how should we respond? Redefine citizen rights to accommodate government power:

A top intelligence official says it is time people in the United States changed their definition of privacy.

Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, a deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguards people's private communications and financial information.

Kerr's comments come as Congress is taking a second look at the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act. [Pamela Hess, AP, "Definition Changing for People's Privacy," Yahoo News, 2007.11.11]

Newspeak, anyone?


Get Your Homeland Security Dossier

Want to see what the Department of Homeland Security knows about you? Want to find out what you've done and where you've been that makes Big Brother -- oh, I mean Uncle Sam -- suspicious? Order a copy of your DHS dossier today! The Identity Project provides copies of the forms you need to make it happen.


Latest Victim of Bush's "War on Terror": Religious Freedom

The Bush Administration puts the "War on Terror" above all other policies and principles, including, apparently and surprisingly, freedom of religion. An administration that wants to turn other social programs over to church groups has decided that prisoners seeking to rehabilitate through religious study can't be trusted with religious books that don't meet the government's approval. According to Laurie Goldstein ("Prisons Purging Books on Faith from Libraries," New York Times, 2007.09.10), the Bureau of Prisons has created the Standardized Chapel Library Project, "lists of up to 150 book titles and 150 multimedia resources for each of 20 religions or religious categories — everything from Bahaism to Yoruba. The lists will be expanded in October, and there will be occasional updates, Ms. [spokeswoman for BoP Traci] Billingsley said. Prayer books and other worship materials are not affected by this process." The Bureau of Prisons created these lists in response to a Justice Department recommendation that prisons take steps "to avoid becoming recruiting grounds for militant Islamic and other religious groups."

One chaplain said the lists from the federal government are unnecessary. "because chaplains routinely reject any materials that incite violence or disparage, and donated materials already had to be approved by prison officials. Prisoners can buy religious books, he added, but few have much money to spend." Instead, the government convenes a panel of experts (who the government says includes chaplains and scholars from the American Academy of Religion, which itself has no knowledge of any formal government consultation with its organization or its members) to dictate the acceptable religious tracts for all prisoners.

The list itself has some arbitrary choices. Goldstein notes that the approved list of Christian readin g includes nine works by CS Lewis -- good stuff! -- but none from other, arguably weightier theologians like Reinhold Niebuhr, Karl Barth, or Cardinal Avery Dulles. Even well-known pastor and writer Robert H. Schuller hasn't made the approved list. The Bureau of Prisons promises expansions and updates of the list, but right now, prisons are throwing books out of their libraries and not getting money to buy government-approved replacements.

So now the Bush Administration sees freedom of religion as a threat to national security. The Bush Administration apparently doesn't even trust the prison chaplains who know their prisoners, preferring instead a big-government, Big-Brother solution. The Bush Administration is throwing out presumption of innocence for all theological authors; to make the prison reading list, a panel of anonymous and thus unaccountable experts must judge an author's work acceptable.

Well, there go three more American principles I thought our soldiers were fighting for. All the more reason to fly the flag at half-staff tomorrow.


Civil Liberties Weaker, Al-Qaida Stronger

So al-Qaida is stronger -- gee, does that mean all the patdowns and wiretapping and surveillance and other violations of our civil rights (not to mention our efforts in Iraq) aren't helping catch Osama and destroy terrorist networks? Instead of more of the same, maybe the government should regroup, rethink, and try something new. Forget occupying countries: we need some special forces strike teams to go in, hammer the bad guys, and get out. Train and hire more Arabic specialists and computer guys, find the terrorists, and shut them down, wherever they are. Get back to the old Republican line: no nation-building, no Big Brother at home.


Victor Davis Hanson: "The Real Threat to Civil Liberties"

Now for a conservative voice: Victor Davis Hanson opines on numerous issues he finds more onerous to civil liberties than the Patriot Act. He justifies the Patriot Act by saying "at least the Patriot Act passed both houses of Congress with wide public support." I find that claim thin -- the passage of the Patriot Act was more about fear than rational support. It passed so quickly that most Congresspeople (and most Americans) had no idea what all was included in the Justice Department's wish list, which it had kept on the shelf since the Oklahoma City bombings, waiting for the right moment of national hysteria to slide it through Congress.

Nonetheless, Hanson's arguments on other dangers to civil liberties -- illegal immigration, prosecutorial malfeasance in the service of political agendae, eminent domain for private profit, and the kerfuffle (somewhat artificial, but it's out there) about reviving the Fairness Doctrine -- bear reading.


American Anxiety: Afraid of the Free Market...

...and rightly so.

This lazy weekend finds me sitting on the front porch, soaking in sunshine and John Gray's 1998 critique of global capitalism, False Dawn . I picked this book up at the big Kingswood rummage sale in Sioux Falls back in April. It was in a small eclectic collection of books read by a young woman who was selling hot dogs from a big roaster in her garage. She also sold me a copy of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's August 1914, which I just finished reading yesterday. I can now turn my reading attention fully toward Gray's arguments, which I found fascinating from my first browsing between garage sales that sunny April afternoon.

In Chapter 5, Gray addresses "The United States and the Utopia of Global Capitalism." Some utopia -- Gray shows us a society built on a free market myth that tears apart its own social fabric more thoroughly than has occurred in any other Western nation.

[p110] America today is not a society in which an affluent majority looks on with complacent disdain at an underclass mired hopelessly in poverty and exclusion. it is a society in which anxiety pervades the majority. For most Americans, the ledge of security on which they live has not been so narrow since the 1930s.

Gray proceeds to list a number of ways that our mania for the free market has increased our anxiety even while promoting overall on-paper economic growth. Global capitalism has made it easier for companies to pack up and leave for climes with cheaper labor and operating costs, without regard for the impact on the workers and neighborhoods they leave behind. Our free market ideology has dismantled "the protective support of welfare provisions and labour unions" [112] that might soothe the anxiety of workers worried about keeping their jobs or surviving the transition into new jobs. The market pushes families to seek two incomes, then makes demands on workers that "may, and often do, pull partners in directions that are difficult to reconcile" [112] -- i.e., toward less connection, less cooperative and hands-on parenting, and more divorce. Gray makes some important comparisons to other societies we often disdain for their economic failures:

[112] How many American households eat together as families? How many children live in the same neighbourhoods or cities as their parents? If an American becomes unemployed, can he or she find support from an extended family, as can Spaniards and Italians in European countries? American families are more fractured than those of any European country, including Russia, where the extended family has survived over seventy years of communism.

Pointing to the United States' inferiority to Europe in protecting family values, Gray goes on to question even the superiority of our economic outcomes. He notes that US employment figures are often exaggerated, failing to account for millions of workers stuck in part-time work and millions more laboring anxiously in "a contingent labour force of contract workers" [112] who lack benefits and long-term stability. Citing a 1997 Financial Times article [Richard Layard, "Clues to Prosperity," 1997.02.17], Gray says that between 1988 and 1994, unemployment among US males aged 25-55 was 14%, compared with 11% in France, 13% in the UK, and 15% in Germany [113]. The US also achieves low unemployment numbers by throwing ten times as many of its citizens in prison than than the UK does [113]. Gray offers Edward Luttwak's grim portrait of working America:

As entire industries rise and fall much faster than before, as firms expand, shrink, merge, separate, 'downsize' and restructure at an unprecedented pace, their employees at all but the highest levels must o to work one day without knowing whether they will have their job the next. That is true of virtually the entire employed middleclass, professionals included. Lacking the formal safeguards of European employment protection laws or prolonged post-employment benefits, lacking the functioning families on which most of the rest of humanity still relies to survive hard times, lacking the substantial liquid savings of their middleclass counterparts in all other developed countries, most working Americans must rely wholly on their jobs for economic security -- and must therefore now live in conditions of chronic acute insecurity. [Edward Luttwak, "Turbo-Charged Capitalism and Its Consequences," London Review of Books, 1995.11.02, p. 7]

Has Gray here identified the source of the culture-wide anxiety Michael Moore tried to identify in Bowling for Columbine (and which anxiety surely figures in Moore's latest effort, Sicko, which opens this weekend)? What are we so afraid of, Moore asked, that leads us to lock our doors and buy millions of guns?

Maybe we are afraid of our own system. Workers in the lower and middle classes can see very clearly why they are anxious: they aren't getting paid a lot, prices are going up, and they are always one merger, one downsizing, one outsourcing away from unemployment. They can't put down roots, because they have to be ready to move across the state or across the country to keep their current jobs or seek replacement jobs. Everyday working folks know full well what's causing their anxiety: the free market system.

But then they realize they can't blame the free market system, because free market mythos is all wrapped up with American mythos. Jobs and companies come and go; bosses have the freedom to hire and fire as they see fit; the bottom line is all that matters, the Golden Rule (he who has the gold makes the rules) -- to question those free market principles is tantamount to treason, or blasphemy. To suggest that maybe the free market ought to be tempered a bit to provide a little more job security or give people more time with their families does more than risk accusations of socialism. The workers themselves feel their anxiety reveals an infidelity to the American civil religion of capitalism and individualism.

Thus unable publicly or even privately to place the blame for their anxiety on the proper agent (and thus experiencing even more psychic stress), American workers must transfer that blame onto acceptable subjects. The scapegoats we choose: immigrants ("freeloaders sneaking into our country, can't even learn the language!"), minorities ("lazy welfare queens!"), promiscuous women ("if they'd be responsible, this country wouldn't have all these problems!"), homosexuals ("it ain't natural!"), and anyone else we can label as outside the proper bounds of wholesome American behavior, as outside of "us." Never mind that the real threat to that "us" is the free market system, to which the bonds of social cohesion are but one more set of inconvenient obstacles to efficiency and profit. We can't admit it, not without peril to the integrity of our American worldview and our very sanity (if you can call it that). But as Gray points out, the neoconservative devotion to both global free markets and family values are incompatible. If we install the free market as the fundamental organizing principle of society, we must accept the anxiety and disruption of our families and broader social institutions that the free market unbound cannot accommodate.


Best Weapon Against Terrorism: The Constitution

Real security comes not from guns, fences, or torture; it comes from principle. If the United States abandons its principles out of fear and instead adopts a "whatever it takes" attitude toward fighting terrorism, the fringe radicals and opportunist regimes will recognize our outward swagger as inward trembling and capitalize on our fear and contradictions to win new recruits and supporters and drive wedges between us and our allies. If we declare and live out our adherence to the principles of the Constitution and the rule of law -- i.e., allow all detainees due process, forswear torture, deal fairly and openly with all comers -- we will win the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the world and isolate the radicals at the fringes.

For more on this theme, see Joseph Margulies, "Where Law Reigns, Terror Withers," Christian Science Monitor, 2007.06.22.

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